The Platinum Programme

Our Platinum Programme is a 12 month facials programme in which you allow us to map and treat your skin to whatever it needs. Skin changes constantly. In this programme we follow the  seasonal biorhythms and how your skin reacts to these changes hence we can treat the reaction accordingly.

For your commitment to your skin we offer Platinum Programme facials at a reduced monthly cost which is less than our cheapest facials but you receive treatments that are usually priced up to €110. Also you learn more about your own skin you will know when your skin suffers the most and can prevent uncomfortable reactions.

Targeted facials to meet the needs of all skin types and provide tangible results that are increasingly advanced.


Our consultations are very in depth and are critical to ensuring that we prescribe you with the right products and treatments.

Whether your consultation is online or in the salon we will go through questions about your skin and lifestyle.

We are all individual. Only approximately 30% of our skins condition comes from our DNA the other 70% is from our lifestyle and environmental activities. Our consultations give us a great chance to get your skin programme right for you from the beginning.

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